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The Moon & Earth in our Natal Chart links to Mother

Traditional Astrology recognises the placement and sign of the Moon in an individual Natal Chart as a strong indication of the Mothers’ influence on their personality. The relationships between a Natal Moon and other Planets in the Chart + Transiting Planets (including Transiting Moon) show even deeper elements of our Mother/Child dynamics.

 Our Moon placement helps explain the experience of many Mums (with 2 or more children) who notice their children are like ‘chalk & cheese’. This can be explained when exploring the Moon Sign of each child – symbolising their relationship to Mum. A child with a Gemini Moon will draw on different elements of Mums’ personality from the child with a Leo Moon. One may be constantly challenging Mum, while the other can be reasoned with.

The Natal Moon symbolises our emotional nature – the nurturing (or lack of) we received as baby. It also Read the rest of this entry »

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